Win-It Wednesday: Perfect You by Elizabeth Scott

So the winner of Alyson Noel's just-released Shadowland is... Raschel! She wrote like 100 6-word memories (as did a few of you guys!) and I had to do a ton of random-number math to pick a winner, but there you go. Send me your address, R. Yay!perfectyou.jpgThis week, I'm giving away a book that came out a while ago but is one of my favorites -- Perfect You by Elizabeth Scott. Elizabeth does love stories like no one else, and this book also has some best-friend drama that rang true and reminded me of some of my own experiences. Sigh. Really great. Anyway, to enter to win this book, just comment below and tell me about the last book you read where you really liked a friendship angle. Lots of books include love (which is awesome) but I'm especially a fan of writers who get friendship right. Good luck!
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